Cosmetic Acupuncture
At Orange Gate, the cosmetic acupuncture style we use is called Mei Zin which means, "beautiful person." Through natural and holistic means based in Chinese Medicine, you can take years off of your appearance, and achieve a rejuvenated face and spirit.
Your revitalized appearance is achieved using very thin and disposable needles in acupuncture facial points, as well as body points. The stimulation of these prescribed points brings Qi (energy) to the areas which stimulates collagen production and increases blood circulation. The result is the filling in of small lines and wrinkles, firming of the facial and neck skin and a more youthful/vibrant complexion.
The Mei Zin style of cosmetic acupuncture is based on the ancient Chinese methods used for thousands of years on Chinese royalty. In more modern times, these same techniques are used by skilled professionals as an alternative to modern facelifts as well as aiding in the recovery from plastic surgery and rectifying disfiguring scars from trauma.
The process is a series of 10 treatments over the course of 5 weeks and includes facial massage, nutritional recommendations, herbal therapies and the cosmetic acupuncture protocol.
Cosmetic Rejuvenation Series: Call for Pricing
After completing the facial cosmetic treatment, you can see improvement for the next few years! It is advised that you receive a periodic maintenance treatment once every three months.
Maintenance Treatments: $120
Mini Cosmetic Spa Treatment
Introductory Offer! For all new cosmetic patients, try out the mini treatment for just $35 for your first session!
Do you feel like having a lift in your spirit and a brightness to your face but are not yet ready to commit to the full series? Or perhaps you have an event that you would like to look your best for or you're looking for a fun event for you and your friends? Try out a mini-cosmetic session - one session of thirty minutes using key acupuncture points to provide uplifting Qi to your face and body. Look and feel rejuvenated with one session!
$45 for One Session
$125 for Four Sessions
Bringing Friends? $75 for a Party of Two/$125 for a Party of Four
Your revitalized appearance is achieved using very thin and disposable needles in acupuncture facial points, as well as body points. The stimulation of these prescribed points brings Qi (energy) to the areas which stimulates collagen production and increases blood circulation. The result is the filling in of small lines and wrinkles, firming of the facial and neck skin and a more youthful/vibrant complexion.
The Mei Zin style of cosmetic acupuncture is based on the ancient Chinese methods used for thousands of years on Chinese royalty. In more modern times, these same techniques are used by skilled professionals as an alternative to modern facelifts as well as aiding in the recovery from plastic surgery and rectifying disfiguring scars from trauma.
The process is a series of 10 treatments over the course of 5 weeks and includes facial massage, nutritional recommendations, herbal therapies and the cosmetic acupuncture protocol.
Cosmetic Rejuvenation Series: Call for Pricing
After completing the facial cosmetic treatment, you can see improvement for the next few years! It is advised that you receive a periodic maintenance treatment once every three months.
Maintenance Treatments: $120
Mini Cosmetic Spa Treatment
Introductory Offer! For all new cosmetic patients, try out the mini treatment for just $35 for your first session!
Do you feel like having a lift in your spirit and a brightness to your face but are not yet ready to commit to the full series? Or perhaps you have an event that you would like to look your best for or you're looking for a fun event for you and your friends? Try out a mini-cosmetic session - one session of thirty minutes using key acupuncture points to provide uplifting Qi to your face and body. Look and feel rejuvenated with one session!
$45 for One Session
$125 for Four Sessions
Bringing Friends? $75 for a Party of Two/$125 for a Party of Four